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Oil companies and evolution

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Oil companies are also stuck in an evolutionary battle of survival of the fittest. Evolution is blind and unable to anticipate long term problems. Oil companies know that the current rate of burning fossil fuels is unsustainable; it will eventually cause climate change which will prejudice the lives of our children and damage the world’s economy.   An example is shown in the quotation in a Guardian article about Shell published on 18th May:  ‘….. under its own [Shell’s] forecasts the Earth’s temperature will rise nearly twice as much as the 2C threshold for dangerous climate change’.

Yet what can the oil companies do? They are incapable of changing direction because the laws of capitalism mean that they are engaged in a relentless competitive battle. They are all increasing their reserves of fossil fuels, even though they know that to burn them completely will ensure disastrous global warming.   For example, Shell has just taken over the  BG Group (British Gas) to increase its ability to extract fossil fuels. Shell know that  in 30-50 years time we will all be worse off as a result of burning fossil fuels and that their company will be adversely affected as a result. However they are stuck in the same relentless day to day battle of survival as the rest of us. If Shell stop competing with other energy companies now, they will simply loose business and risk their own extinction in the short term.

The only way to stop the oil companies from polluting the planet is for the consumers to stop using their products. This will only happen if we unite in a common ecological objective to save the planet for our children.

Sacrificial Behaviour

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Richard Dawkins has conclusively shown that there is no such thing as a sacrificial gene that would induce humans to sacrifice their life for the good of others. So why do suicide bombers exhibit sacrificial behaviour for the sake of Islam?

It is due to memes; by identifying someone as one of our own we unleash feelings of kinship. Natural caution can be overridden by instincts which are related to family protection. Humans have the ability to divide the world into ‘us’ and ‘them.’ Hunter–gatherers regarded their own community as ‘us’ and acted violently against others. There is no group size limit to this human behaviour and in modern times dreadful acts of violence against millions of people have been perpetrated once this feeling of communal kinship is aroused in hateful opposition to another group of humans.

There is another factor however in Muslim Jihadist behaviour. The Qu’ran teaches that life on Earth is temporary; eternal life only starts when you die. There are rewards for those who sacrifice themselves for their religion. In a much quoted passage the paradise available after death is described in much detail:

There will be two Gardens containing all kinds of (trees and delights); In them (each) will be two Springs flowing; In them will be Fruits of every kind, two and two. The Fruit of the Garden will be near (and easy of reach). In them will be (Maidens), chaste, restraining their glances, whom no man or Jinn before them has touched; Like unto Rubies and coral. Is there any reward for Good – other than Good?

This old religious trick, pretending that humans by some means survive death, has also warped human behaviour in the West. It has created a society in which some people are more concerned with their afterlife than the effect they have on other people in this world.  The cruel acts of Nuns in the Irish Magdalene Laundries are a case in point.

Surely it is time to wake up and subscribe to a philosophy of life dedicated to improving our existence on planet Earth.  We should discard this human fantasy of life after death and concentrate on saving the planet for our children.

The Guardian’s climate change campaign

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The Guardian is running a campaign on climate change. Recent issues have featured three experts,   Naomi Klein, George Marshall, and Larry Elliot, all of whom warned that politicians, businesses or the ruling elite cannot be relied upon to counter global warming.  Naomi Klein advocates a popular anti-capitalist movement; George Marshall says we should stop arguing, believe in climate change and learn from the religious approach and Larry Elliott plays down expectations from future international conferences and emphasises the need for personal involvement.  All are saying in different ways that the only way serious green policies will be implemented is if the mass of people demand them.  However none of the experts say how this mass popular movement is to be achieved.

Eco-humanists believe evolution is still taking place and we humans are still involved in a process of the survival of the fittest.  States, individuals, businesses and other institutions are competiting and cooperating in their own self-interest. The very evolutionary instincts that have served mankind so well up to now are driving the species forward to disaster. There is currently no human organisation that has the power or moral standing to enforce global cooperation in order to implement green policies. Thus, although scientists are unequivocally saying that global warming is threatening the future of human life on the planet, mankind is unable to cooperate sufficiently to step back from disaster.

Our only hope is to actively promote a new eco-friendly philosophy of life, such as Eco-humanity , in competition to religions. We need to appeal to the heart and not base all persuasion on rational analysis. We need to generate a popular movement that inspires people to save the planet for our children.

It starts now!

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From today, 16th April 2015, Memes, Societies and Human Evolution – How humans came to dominate the Earth and then threaten its ecology is available from Amazon in the USA, UK and Europe.  This is the official start date of this site; the start of this ambitious attempt to launch the concept of Eco-humanity, a new form of positive humanism with the aim of saving the planet for our children.

Buy the book and contribute to the development of  a new  movement!