Every week we dutifully wash out used plastic containers and put them in the recyclable waste bin for collection by the council. It now transpires this is largely wasted effort.
The Local Government Association says that two thirds of plastic is unrecyclable and being sent to landfill. This is a scandal. Even industry sources say that most packaging could be made to be recyclable. But yet again the government and industry leaders are letting us down. No one is looking at the big picture and ensuring that we do the right thing. Simple inexpensive solutions that would drastically reduce plastic waste are not being applied.
What can we do as consumers? Well, for a start, we can stop buying anything in black plastic containers. The only reason black plastic is being used is that it makes the food look good. However black is the only colour that can’t be easily scanned by recycling machines; as a result, all black plastics are being sent to landfill.
Stopping buying black plastic is just a first step, but we need to make a stand and take action to show we care about our environment.